Monday, January 28, 2019

Imbolc Correspondence

Colors: Brown, chocolate, gray, green, ivory, lavender, lavender pink, light blue, orange, pear, pink, red, silver, white, yellow
Stones: Amethyst, aventurine, black tourmaline, bloodstone, citrine, fluorite, garnet, moonstone, onyx, quartz, rose quartz, ruby, sodalite, sunstone, tiger's eye, turquoise
Animals: bear, deer, dragon, firebird, fox, goat, groundhog, mole, owl, raven, sheep,  snake, wolf
Deities: Anu, Brigid, Cernunnos, Cerridwen, Diancecht
Lore: Triple Goddess is reborn after her death on yule. The land starts to thaw and the Goddess is brought back to life
Intention: Honor of the virgin goddess. First signs of returning life. Festival of light
Powers: activation, animals, awakening, banish, beginnings, breath of life, childbirth, cleansing, conception, creative inspiration, creativity, dedication, divination, fertility, healing, hope, illumination, initiation, insight, inspiration, life-path, light, mirth, plan, pregnancy, prepare, prophecy, prosperity, purification, renewal, transformation, well-being, wise counsel, youth,
Symbols: besoms, corn doll, bulbs, candles, cauldron, chalice, garden tools, healing herbs, lanterns, anvils
Food/drink: almonds, apple cider, apple muffins, bacon, blackberries, blackberry tea, blueberries, bread, cakes, chamomile tea, cheese, cheesecake, chicken, corned beef, cream, dairy products, eggs, garlic, ham, herbal teas, honey, honey cake, lamb, lavender cookies, leeks, lemons, milk, mushrooms, onions, pancakes, peppers, poppyseed bread/cake, poppyseed muffins, potatoes, pumpkin, raisins, root vegetables, scones, seeds, sesame & sunflower seeds, shortbread, spiced wine, spicy foods, waffles, white meats, white wine, yogurt
Flowers: Carnation, chamomile, crocus, daffodil, iris, jasmine, lillies, snowdrop,
Herbs: Almond, angelica, anise, basil, bay, benzoin, blackberry, celandine, chamomile, coltsfoot, evergreen, frankincense, heather, lavender, lemongrass, mint, myrrh, neroli, nutmeg, primrose, rose, rosemary, tansy, willow
Incense/oils:  apricot, basil, bay, benzoin, carnation, cinnamon, dragon's blood, frankincense, jasmine, lavender, mint, musk, myrrh, neroli, olive, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, sweet pea, vanilla, violet, wisteria,
Celebrations: cleansing, purification, renewal, candle work, house blessings , lighting candles, story telling, bonfire, candle lighting ritual, cleansing ritual bath, planting seeds, bake orange and poppy seed muffins,

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Spell for Employment Success

Days: Wednesday, Thursday
Time: Noon
Items: Stones:
for employment- crazy lace agate, citrine, aventurine,
for success- hematite, amazonite,
for eloquence- opal
Tools: gold crayon, colored pencil or marker
1 On a piece of paper, make a circle that the opal will go inside of or around (I used an opal bracelet, so mine went around.
2 With your gold drawing item of choice (I did crayon because I have an affinity for them) create a star inside of the circle.
3 Place your crazy lace agate, aventurine and citrine on the "triangle points" of the star, (top and two bottom points)
4 Place the hematite and amazonite on the remaining two points.
5 Place the opal inside or around the circle
6 Taking a moment to breath deeply and ground yourself, place your charging hand over crystals and symbol and focus on the job or career you are casting the spell for. (For me, I'm doing this for one of my partners, so I'm going to also focus on him and the job he's interviewing for).
7 Recite this spell, while moving your hand across to each point of the star
With these crystals I have placed
Bring on success for the task at face
If this career is correct for me/thee
It will come to fruition, so mote it be.
Repeat however many times you want, until you feel charged with the words
8 Place your hands on your knees, and use the energy to energize and ground yourself.
9 Once you feel the energy settling, put away your tools and go forward with your day.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Moon phases correspondence

New Moon 🌑
banishing, beauty, cleansing, creative ventures, cursing, farms/gardens, fresh starts, friendship, health,health, inner harmony, job hunting, love/romance, networking, new beginnings, new love, peace, projects, romance, self-improvement,
Purpose: Beginnings
Offerings: Milk and Honey
Charge: azurite,
Waxing Crescent 🌒
attraction, constructive magic, courage, friendship, growth, health, love, luck, positive magic, prosperity, protection, success, wealth,
Purpose: the movement of things
Offerings: Candles
Charge: blue lace agate, amethyst, aragonite, azurite, pink calcite, desert rose, emerald, green fluorite, kunzite, white pearl, selenite,
First Quarter 🌓
balance, challenges, courage, decision-making, elemental magick, friends, luck, motivation, taking action
Purpose: The shape of things
Offerings: Feathers
Charge:  blue lace agate, amethyst, aragonite, azurite, desert rose, emerald, green fluorite, kunzite, white pearl, selenite,
Waxing Gibbous🌔
attraction, courage, harmony, motivation, patience, peace, positivity, protection, success
Purpose: Details
Offerings: Ribbons
Charge:  blue lace agate, amethyst, aragonite, azurite, desert rose, emerald, green fluorite, kunzite, white pearl, selenite,
Full Moon🌕
artistic endeavors, banishing, beauty, change, charging, children, cleansing, competition, decisions, divination, dreams, emotions, enlightenment, family & friends, fitness, fixing spells, healing, knowledge, knowledge, legal undertakings, love, money, motivation, power, protection, psychic awareness, psychic power, romance, self-improvement
Purpose: Completion
Offerings: Flowers
Charge: amethyst, ametrine, aquamarine, aragonite, azurite, copper, desert rose, green fluorite, moonstone, peridot, selenite,
Waning Gibbous (Disseminating) 🌖
cleansing, clearing away, exorcism, getting rid of bad habits, harvest, letting go, making amends, making space, opening up, releasing, removing addictions, undoing bindings, reassessment
Purpose: Initial destruction
Offerings: Grain or Rice
Charge: amethyst, aragonite, azurite, desert rose, green fluorite, lapis lazuli, selenite,
Third Quarter🌗
addictions, ancestors, banishing, breaking bad habits, cursing, destruction, endings, health and healing, hexing,letting go, protection, reducing poverty, stress,
Purpose: Absolute destruction
Offerings:  Incense
Charge: amethyst, aragonite, azurite, desert rose, green fluorite, selenite,
Waning Crescent (Balsamic)🌘
achievement, banishing, completion, deep wisdom, hopes, intentions, peace, rest, wishes
Purpose: Rest
Offerings: Honesty
Charge: amethyst, aragonite, azurite, desert rose, green fluorite, selenite,