Saturday, December 8, 2018

Goddess Brigid Correspondence

Titles: The Exalted One, The Bright One, Fiery Arrow, The Powerful One, The High One,
Goddess of the Sacred Flame, Lady of the Healing Waters, Goddess of the Fertile Earth, Mistress
of the Mantle, Flame of Inspiration, Flame of Creative Consciousness, Bringer of Prosperity,
Goddess of Fertility, New Growth and Birth, Goddess of Healing Grace, Promise of Spring,
Variations: Brighid, Brigit, Brid, Brighde, Bride, Brigantia, Briginda, Brigdu, Ffraid,
Area of Influence: Abundance, agriculture, animal husbandry, childbirth, creativity, divination,
farming, fertility, forge, healing, hearth, herbalism, inspiration, midwifery, music, philosophy, poetry,
smithcrafting, teaching, wisdom,
Symbols: Eternal flame, mantle, well, thresholds, fire, forge, candles, bell, springs, corn dollies,
cloaks, number 19, harp, triple spiral, cauldron, green cloak, bells, sandstone rock formation,
Brigid's cross, midwifery, springs, serpent, anvil, sacred wood,
Element: Fire, water
Color: Red, orange, yellow, gold, green, blue, white, black,
Temples, Important Locations: Kildare, Shrine at Faughart Hill, Bride's Mounds, St. Bride's Ring,
Bae Sain Ffraid
Festival: Imbolc
Day: Sunday
Time: Sunrise
Planet: Sun
Crystals: Agate, amethyst, azurite, carnelian, garnet, jasper, peridot,
Metals: Gold, brass, silver, steel, copper,
Plants: acorns, angelica, bay, broom, chamomile, cinnamon, corn, crocus, cypress, daffodil,
dandelion, fennel, field flower, grains, goldenrod, hawthorn, heather, lavender, meadow
flowers, mugwort, myrrh, oats, pumpkin seeds, rosemary, rushes, sage, shamrock, snowdrop,
sprouts, straw, trillium, violet, wisteria
Trees: Apple, birch, oak, rowan
Scents: Apricot, carnation, heather, heliotrope, lemon verbena, musk, neroli, olive, sweet pea,
violet, wisteria
Oils: Basil, chamomile, cinnamon, cypress, fennel, frankincense, jasmine, lavender, myrrh,
Animals: red-eared cow, lambs, dairy cows, bees, owls, serpents, hibernating animals, swan,
goose, linnets, oystercatchers, vultures
Food: Blackberries, dairy, honey, seeded breads, dried fruits
Offerings: Coins, fire, blackberries, milk, white flowers, shamrock, bread with butter, honey,
blackberry jam, oat cakes,

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